The National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) sponsored a study that concluded approximately twice as many car drivers would die in collisions with light trucks than in similar collisions involving cars of the same weight as the light truck. For the same reasons, occupants of passenger cars and light trucks have much higher fatality rates than occupants of large trucks and buses.
These types of accidents occur because commercial trucks such as 18-wheelers, semi trucks and tractor trailers tower over the small passenger vehicles with which they share the road. When traveling at higher speeds on major highways, seemingly insignificant driving errors that may occur without consequence in other situations can result in catastrophe when a large truck is involved.
Often, Texas truck wrecks involve some type of negligence on the part of the truck driver, the trucking company, or both. Some of the unique causes of car-truck accidents include:
Inadequate training of the truck driver
Lack of proper maintenance of the truck or trailer
Improper loading
Driving with an unsecured load
Oversized truck
Poorly maintained truck brakes
Tire tread separation and tire blowouts
Failure to yield the right of way
Trucks obscuring a car driver’s view
Truck jackknifing and rollovers on slippery roads
Unsafe safety systems, reflectors, lights, and other warning devices
Failure of truck to install an under-ride protection under-guard
Some of the most common causes of car-truck crashes in Texas include:
Fatigued, sleepy or tired driver
Inattention by the truck driver
Bad or aggressive driving by the truck driver, such as tailgating or speeding
Use of alcohol or drugs by the truck driver
Negligent driving in bad weather or poor visibility conditions
Negligent passing
If you have been victimized in a Truck Accident feel free to give our Law Firm a Call. Our competent Lawyers can help you. For more information visit this website