San Antonio Traffic Ticket Lawyer – TRAFFIC VIOLATIONS
This Blog was brought to you by the Traffic Violations Attorney San Antonio Gordon Slade 210-820-3033
Our Law Firm has a wealth of experience in providing legal advice to motorists charged with a wide range of traffic offenses, including suspended license, DUI, and speeding tickets. We strive to offer professionally researched information that you can count on to save you from spending countless hours of your precious time in court and, more importantly, hundreds of dollars in fines and raised insurance premiums. Speeding tickets in the advanced technological era we live in, there’s little or no chance to cry foul when you are caught speeding. Police officers are equipped with top-of-the-line radar and laser guns to catch speeders and use cameras to enforce the 20 MPH speed limit near elementary and middle schools. Furthermore, police are also equipped with helicopters that they use to track speeding motorists from the sky. The best tip for avoiding a speeding ticket is to avoid speeding. Speeding also contributes to a high number of fatal crashes and deaths each year, so driving within the speed limit can help prevent you from adding to these numbers.
DUI (driving under the influence) & DWI (driving while intoxicated) – are two acronyms that are often confused with each other, most notably because there is no national definition of either violation. Many states will punish these offenses differently, given that the two crimes often refer to the same but different driving behaviors. DUI is also referred to as DWI and is a person convicted of driving under the influence of alcohol when caught driving with a blood alcohol of .08 percent or higher. DUI or DWI charges are not just limited to alcohol but also recreational drugs and driving when your prescription drugs impair your abilities. Both are serious offenses governed by a few rules and procedures in the Municipal Court. It gets a bit trickier, given that most courts in the state of Texas take over a few weeks to file your case, whereas some cities require you to appear in court within the first 48 hours. Worse, prosecutors always seek a considerably high bail and several pretrial release conditions on every DWI or DUI case.
Driving without Insurance
Penalties when driving without insurance can be steep and vary depending on whether you are going with no insurance or driving without insurance in the event of an accident. In Texas, you must have at least $30,000 in liability coverage for each injured person, up to $60,000 per accident, and $25,000 for property damage per accident. This basic coverage is called 30/60/25. Take note that the same penalties are applied as driving without insurance, even if you have some range but fail to meet the aforementioned coverage requirements. You may face license suspension if you do not have your proof of insurance at the time of the collision. But on a brighter note, you have sixty days from the accident to provide insurance documentation to avoid license suspension.
Car Accidents
The state keeps track of the number of vehicle accidents in Texas. If you have been injured or involved in a car accident that has tragically taken the life of your loved one, it is essential to get in touch with an experienced car accident attorney to learn about your rights to compensation.
Red Light Violation
Some cities in Texas are equipped with red-light cameras that have caught thousands of people running red lights. When you run a red light, the city is kind enough to send you a ticket in the mail, which is the same amount you would pay if you ran a red light in front of a police officer. However, there is often some debate about traffic-light infractions because the cameras photograph the vehicle’s license plates and can’t determine the person behind the wheel. If you feel you have been fined incorrectly, it is best to speak with an attorney to see if the charges can be dropped off your record and have the traffic ticket dismissed.
Personal Injury Lawyers – Accident Injuries
This Blog was brought to you by the CS Law Firm, Principal Office in San Antonio
Personal Injury Lawyer in Texas
Accidents and injuries are frightening and terrible for all those involved. When another person is at fault, it can be even more devastating, as the incident could have been avoided had the person at fault been more responsible, careful, or less negligent. These cases can create serious financial and personal losses for the individual and the family involved and can result in the loss of income, loss of abilities, and loss of quality of life. In the most serious of cases, the tragic loss of a treasured loved one is the result. These cases require the assistance of a personal injury attorney. At our Law Office, the legal team is compassionate and understanding, and ready to fight on behalf of the injured and their families.
Injured in an Accident in Texas?
The legal team at our law office understands the emotional distress and financial problems that come with serious injury accidents and can take your case in hand to resolve the matter by seeking the maximum compensation allowed by law in any personal injury case. The personal injury attorney at the firm can assist with all types of personal injury cases, including the following:
The legal team at the firm is dedicated to assisting the injured and their families to resolve the financial matters surrounding the injury accident or wrongful death case. The personal injury lawyer at the firm will carefully review the circumstances of the case and develop a personal injury claim on behalf of the injured or the bereaved family, depending upon the circumstances surrounding the case. The legal team will fight relentlessly for fair and full compensation for damages and is prepared to go to court with the case if necessary. The firm can refer you to the best medical experts available if needed. The lawyer stays personally involved with you and your family from the beginning of the case and through to its conclusion, whether at trial or a settlement, and will fight for your right to fair compensation from start to finish.
There are many types of damages that could be claimed, depending upon the degree of injury and other damages that have been suffered by the injured and their families. There is the possibility that you can claim general damages for your pain and suffering, emotional distress, disability, permanent disfigurement, scarring, loss of enjoyment of life, wrongful death, loss of income, future financial damages, and many others may be possible. With the assistance of a personal injury lawyer from the firm, how to approach the case will be determined and a strong and relentless effort on your behalf will be immediately initiated.
In some cases, an out-of-court settlement could be the best solution. Negotiating on the client’s behalf is of utmost concern and your case will always be a priority. You will be kept apprised of the progress of the case every step of the way. The legal team at our law office cares about your future and is ready to fight on your behalf.
Find The Right Personal Injury Lawyers
Find The Right Personal Injury Lawyers
Proceeding with a personal injury lawsuit after suffering a debilitating injury can be incredibly difficult. Having the right personal injury or accident attorney along with the right knowledge has much to do with whether or not you win your case. Read this article for some useful tips.
When preparing for your lawsuit, it is important to include how much money you have lost due to not being able to work. How much work have you missed? Is there a bonus you didn’t get? You may include any money lost on classes you weren’t able to go to.
Injury Lawyer
Locating the best personal injury and auto injury lawyer isn’t easy. Your best bet is to enlist the services of a personal injury attorney who is experienced in personal injury lawsuits. This is a tough field to master, so experience wins out when looking for a good personal injury lawyer.
When choosing a personal injury local personal injury attorney you need to meet up with several different ones before making your selection. Many attorneys offer free consultations so they can decide if your case is something they can handle. This will show you what you can expect to pay during the process.
If it is possible, keep your vehicle in the exact position it is in if you were in an accident. This can sometimes hurt your chances of proving your case. Make an exception if the accident occurs in heavy traffic.
For those that have to deal with a personal injury, figuring out the policies that the person at fault has to abide by is important. You may be able to make a claim on more than just one policy violation. If they refuse to tell you this information, you can get a sworn affidavit to help make them.
Personal Injury
If you have been injured in any type of car accident, a work accident, or have sustained any other injury that wasn’t your fault, your first step should be to hire a personal injury or auto accident injury lawyer in. With this kind of lawsuit, your timing is important. Hire a personal injury and auto injury lawyer quickly so they can start working on gathering evidence and statements from your witness or take pictures.
Get yourself a personal injury or auto accident attorney prior to providing written or other types of statements to insurance adjusters or lawyers for the other party. What you say can be used against you.
Before selecting a personal injury or auto accident injury lawyer, ask them whether or not they have dealt with similar cases as yours. This is the best way to determine if they are likely to prevail for you. If your personal injury lawyer commonly handles cases like yours, then you have a greater potential of winning your case.
If you have physical signs from your injury, document them with pictures, before receiving any treatment. Doing this will demonstrate the severity of your injuries, which will significantly help your case. Your compensation can be significantly influenced by how severe your injuries are.
Keep meticulous records about expenses that occur due to your personal injury. Examples of these expenses include doctor visits, medication, personal property damages, lost wages, etc. You will need this proof if you’re in court, and if you don’t have it, it won’t be considered part of your judgment.
If you have suffered a car wreck, be sure to document all the details for your injury attorney. Make sure you always write down license plate numbers or any other important information. Get the details of the insurance agencies that will be involved. Make copies of tickets that were given out at the scene. Gathering this information facilitates a speedier, more efficient suit.
Do not talk so much! Only say what is necessary. Tell the medical technicians where you are injured and the basics of the cause. It is also okay to share family and medical history. If you do not say too much, the other side can’t use it against you.
Personal Injury
Make sure you have a good understanding of the entire process of a personal injury lawsuit. Speak with your personal injury or auto accident injury lawyer and tell him or her that you want to know of everything you should be doing. He’ll tell you about the papers you need, who to talk to, and who to say nothing to.
People get burned often, particularly those who work in kitchens or other areas in close proximity to a heat source. Make sure you properly document any work-related injury. You will find assistance with your pain.
You need to think of many things when trying to determine if you will pursue a lawsuit for a personal injury. First, you should consider the extent of your injury. You should also consider the cost of medical expenses and any money you lose because you aren’t able to work.
Try to get documentation. in writing to build your credibility. If your insurance adjuster offers you less money than you thought you would get, be sure to question them and have them thoroughly address things in writing. This lets them know that you mean business and it will increase the likelihood of getting a bigger offer. Whatever you and the insurer agrees to should be legally documented immediately.
It is often hard to know what to do after you have been injured. Your goal here should be to follow the steps necessary to ensure that you can file a strong case and ultimately receive compensation for your injuries, pain and suffering, bills, and other elements of your accident. A bit of knowledge goes a long way.